How to Repair GE Microwave Oven [2024]

If your GE microwave isn’t heating up your leftovers or you hear a strange click when you try to use it, you might be thinking about how to fix it yourself. Whether it’s a faulty magnetron, a blown thermal fuse, or a malfunctioning control panel, many issues with this appliance can be tackled with a bit of DIY know-how. Before you start, make sure to switch off the electric supply to avoid any shocks.

How to Repair GE Microwave Oven ? To repair a GE microwave oven, first unplug the appliance and consult the owner’s manual for troubleshooting tips. Check for common issues like blown fuses or defective door switches. For complex problems such as malfunctioning control boards or magnetrons, consider seeking professional repair services.

Most repairs involve checking and possibly replacing components like the thermal fuse, capacitor, or the switch that controls the heat. Sometimes, issues might be with the panel itself or with how the microwave vents heat. Depending on your model, you might also need to look at the electric connections or replace parts like the control panel to get your microwave working again. So grab your tools, and let’s get your GE brand microwave back in action without the hassle of a service call.

What Should You Do When Your GE Microwave Oven Breaks? Step-by-Step Repair Guide

What Should You Do When Your GE Microwave Oven Breaks? Step-by-Step Repair Guide

Dealing with a broken microwave can be frustrating, but with the right steps, you can often fix a GE microwave yourself. Here’s an easy-to-follow guide that covers the basics of microwave oven repair, focusing on GE models, including the popular GE over-the-range microwave.

Safety First

Before you do anything else, ensure your safety:

  • Unplug the microwave: Always unplug the appliance to avoid any risk of electric shock.
  • Check for any blown fuses or tripped circuits: Make sure the power to the microwave is off, not just at the microwave but also at the circuit breaker.

Troubleshooting the Issue

  • Identify the problem: Is the microwave not heating? Does the turntable not spin? Or maybe the microwave just won’t start. Understanding the symptom can point you towards the issue.
  • Consult the instruction manual: Look for the troubleshooting section in your microwave’s manual. GE appliances, including their microwaves, come with helpful step-by-step instructions.

Check the Fuse

  • Access the fuse: Using a Phillips screwdriver, open the microwave’s panel to locate the fuse. Microwaves typically have a ceramic fuse hidden behind the panel.
  • Test for continuity: Using a multimeter, check if the fuse is blown. No continuity means the fuse needs replacing.

Inspect the Door Switch

  • Locate the door switches: These are usually found near the door latch.
  • Check function and continuity: Use the multimeter to test each switch. If any switch lacks continuity when activated, it needs to be replaced.

Examine Other Components

  • Inspect the power cord: Sometimes the issue is as simple as a damaged power cord or plug. Look for any obvious signs of wear or damage.
  • Look at the control panel and sensor: Electronic issues often arise here, especially if buttons are unresponsive or the sensor isn’t detecting correctly.

Advanced Troubleshooting

  • Test the magnetron and capacitor: These are more complex issues. If you’re comfortable and knowledgeable, you can test these components for functionality. If not, it might be time to call in a professional.
  • Voltage checks: Be extremely careful if checking anything related to voltage. If unsure, this is definitely a step where professional help is recommended.


After walking through the steps to troubleshoot and potentially repair your GE microwave, you might find that the problem is resolved, and you can return to cooking and experimenting with new recipes in no time. Whether it’s a simple fuse replacement, a door switch fix, or more complex issues like a faulty high voltage capacitor or transformer, knowing how to identify and tackle these issues can save you time and money. However, if the fault persists despite your efforts, it may be time to consult a professional technician. Some problems, particularly those related to the microwave’s power supply, motor, or electrical systems, require specialized tools like a voltage tester and an understanding of electrical safety procedures that go beyond typical DIY maintenance.

Remember, regular maintenance of your appliance can prevent many common problems. Keeping the cavity clean, ensuring the door lock is functional, and occasionally checking components like the thermostat and tube can extend the life of your microwave. But if you find yourself in over your head, especially when dealing with components like the transformer or capacitor that can retain high voltage, prioritize safety and consider getting help from a professional.

As you continue to use and maintain your microwave, consider exploring all the culinary possibilities it offers—from quick recipes that let you boil or steam food in minutes to kitchen hacks that make your cooking experience more efficient. Even if a problem arises, now you have the knowledge to either pass the baton to a technician or capably handle many issues on your own. Keep this guide handy in your garage or wherever you store your tools, as you never know when it might come in handy to tackle the next microwave challenge!

Frequently Asked Questions (How to Repair GE Microwave Oven)

Can a GE microwave be repaired?

Yes, a GE microwave can be repaired. Issues ranging from minor to complex can be addressed by professionals or through DIY repairs, depending on the problem’s nature. It’s crucial to assess whether the repair costs are justified compared to the price of a new microwave.

What would cause GE microwave to stop working?

A GE microwave may stop working due to a blown fuse, a faulty door switch, a malfunctioning magnetron, issues with the control board, or power supply problems. Regular wear and tear or improper use can also lead to operational failures.

What is the common problem of microwave oven?

A common problem with microwave ovens is uneven heating or cooking of food, where some parts may be overheated while others remain cold. This issue often stems from the microwave’s turntable not functioning properly or from the inherent nature of microwave heating.

Why is my GE microwave not heating up?

Your GE microwave might not be heating up due to a faulty magnetron, issues with the door switch, a blown fuse, or problems with the diode or capacitor. Identifying the exact cause often requires checking these components with a multimeter or seeking professional repair assistance.

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