How to Cook Cauliflower in Microwave Oven [2024]

Looking for a quick and easy cauliflower recipe to whip up as a side dish? Cooking fresh cauliflower in the microwave is a breeze, and it can really lighten up your meal prep time. Just grab a head of cauliflower and cut it into florets. These should go into a microwave-safe bowl—something simple that can be covered with plastic wrap works well.

How to Cook Cauliflower in Microwave Oven? To cook cauliflower in a microwave, place the florets in a microwave-safe dish, add a bit of water, and cover. Microwave on high for about 5 to 8 minutes until tender. Check for doneness, then drain and season as desired.

Sprinkle your cauliflower florets with a bit of salt and pepper, some garlic powder, and perhaps a splash of lemon juice to enhance the flavor. If you’re feeling adventurous, toss in some broccoli for a mixed veggie delight. Once seasoned, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and get ready to steam the cauliflower in the microwave. The cook time is quick, generally only taking a few minutes. Serve immediately or store leftovers in an airtight container to reheat later. This microwave cauliflower recipe offers a convenient and healthy option for any day of the week.

Quick Guide: How to Steam Cauliflower in the Microwave for a Low-Carb Treat

Quick Guide: How to Steam Cauliflower in the Microwave for a Low-Carb Treat

Getting Started with Microwave Cooking

If you’re looking for a healthy side dish that’s both quick and easy, steaming cauliflower in the microwave might just be your best bet. First things first, you’ll want to prepare the cauliflower. Whether you’re working with a whole cauliflower or frozen cauliflower, the process remains pretty straightforward. For a whole cauliflower, cut it into medium-sized florets – these are easier to cook evenly. If you’re using frozen cauliflower, there’s no need to thaw it first; it can go straight into the microwave.

Place the cauliflower in a microwave-safe dish—no need to add water as the natural moisture in the florets will do the trick. Cover the dish with a lid or some microwave-safe plastic wrap to keep the steam in. Now, you’re ready to cook the cauliflower. Set your microwave on high power and cook for about 4 minutes. If after 4 minutes the cauliflower isn’t perfectly cooked, continue to microwave it in short bursts of time if needed, checking for doneness by poking it with a fork.

Finishing Touches and Serving Suggestions

Once the cauliflower is cooked, be careful when removing the dish from the microwave—it will be hot! Always use oven mitts to avoid any burns. Let the hot cauliflower sit for a minute or two before uncovering; this allows any residual steam to finish the cooking process. For those looking to spice things up, buffalo cauliflower makes a delicious alternative. Toss the steamed florets with some buffalo sauce and pop them back in the microwave for another minute to meld the flavors.

When serving, remember that cauliflower is versatile. It can be seasoned with just about anything from simple salt and pepper to more elaborate spice mixes or cheese. Store any leftover cauliflower in an airtight container to keep it fresh. Enjoy your delicious, low-carb cauliflower as is, or use it to complement other dishes. Remember, the power of your microwave can affect the cooking time, so you might need to adjust accordingly. The ease of microwave cooking and these simple steps make it one of my favorite ways to prepare a quick and healthy side dish.

Need a Fast Side Dish? Here’s How to Microwave Cauliflower Perfectly Every Time

Need a Fast Side Dish? Here’s How to Microwave Cauliflower Perfectly Every Time

If you need a fast side dish that’s simple yet satisfying, microwaving cauliflower can be a game-changer. Cauliflower makes a great addition to any meal, providing a low-carb option that’s full of nutrients. Here’s how you can microwave cauliflower perfectly every time, using just a few simple ingredients.

Start by selecting fresh cauliflower. Rinse the cauliflower thoroughly to ensure it’s clean, then break it down into bite-sized florets. This size is ideal as it ensures the cauliflower cooks evenly and becomes tender without becoming mushy. Place the florets into a microwave-safe dish, which is crucial for steaming vegetables in the microwave safely. Add just a bit of water to the dish—the water will steam during cooking, making the cauliflower softer and perfectly cooked.

For seasoning, you can keep it as simple as salt and pepper or get creative with spices that complement cauliflower, like paprika or garlic powder. Season the cauliflower to your taste before cooking. Cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or plastic wrap, leaving a small corner open to allow steam to escape. The time for cauliflower in the microwave depends on your microwave’s power, but it generally takes about 5-8 minutes to cook. If you’re microwaving frozen cauliflower, it might take slightly longer to cook, so adjust the time accordingly.

When the cauliflower is tender, take it out of the microwave—be careful as the dish will be hot. Serve the cauliflower immediately while it’s still warm. It comes out perfectly cooked every time if you follow these steps. For a variation, try mashed cauliflower by simply mashing the cooked florets with a fork and adding a touch of butter or cream for richness.

This method is a wonderful way to steam not just cauliflower but also other vegetables like broccoli. Microwave recipes like this prove that you don’t need complicated procedures or a ton of time to prepare delicious recipes that everyone can enjoy. Whether you’re looking for a quick side dish or a healthy addition to your meal, microwaving cauliflower is a straightforward and effective technique to master.


As you explore the various ways your microwave can simplify your kitchen routine, remember that the right microwave technique can transform the way you prepare meals. For instance, when microwaving cauliflower or any other vegetable, it’s often better to slightly undercook them to maintain their texture and nutrients, as they can continue to cook a bit once removed from the microwave. The ideal cooking time depends on the size of the florets; try to keep the florets uniform to ensure even cooking.

Using a microwave-safe bowl and adding just a small amount of water can make steaming vegetables like cauliflower easy, avoiding the fuss of boiling or steaming on the stove. This method not only saves time but also preserves the flavors and nutrients better. Whether you’re serving these tender and delicious veggies alongside a piece of baked salmon or incorporating them into another dish, microwaved vegetables can be a tasty side dish that complements any meal.

From quick recipes to essential kitchen hacks, leveraging your microwave can truly revolutionize your cooking experience, making it easier to whip up delicious side dishes without spending too much time or effort. Keep experimenting with different techniques and ingredients to find what works best for you and your culinary needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (How to Cook Cauliflower in Microwave Oven)

How long does it take to steam cauliflower in the microwave?

Steaming cauliflower in the microwave typically takes about 4 to 5 minutes. Ensure the florets are in a microwave-safe dish with a bit of water, and cover them with a lid or plastic wrap for even cooking.

Is it better to boil or steam cauliflower?

Steaming cauliflower is generally better than boiling, as it preserves more nutrients, maintains texture, and prevents waterlogging. Steaming also offers a gentler cooking process, keeping the cauliflower’s natural flavor more intact compared to boiling.

How long does broccoli and cauliflower take in the microwave?

To cook broccoli and cauliflower in the microwave, place them in a microwave-safe dish, add a splash of water, and cover. Microwave on high for about 3 to 5 minutes, until they are tender. Check and stir halfway through cooking.

Why do you soak cauliflower before cooking?

Soaking cauliflower before cooking helps remove any dirt, insects, and pesticides. It also crisps up the florets, making them plumper and more tender when cooked, enhancing both texture and flavor. Soaking can also reduce the cauliflower’s naturally strong smell.

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